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Breck Carter
Last modified: October 21, 1999
mail to: bcarter@bcarter.com

Tip 90: UltraLite Lite

10 - Run the ESQL Preprocessor and UltraLite Analyzer

  1. Make sure the reference database is up and running. In this article, the reference and consolidated databases are one and the same, and the batch file run_ASA6_dbsrv6_on_ulldemo1.bat can be used to start the server:

    Warning! One of the lines in this batch file has been wrapped to fit on the screen.

    SET ASA=E:\Program Files\Sybase\Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0\win32
    SET DB=c:\amisc\ull
    rem -c initial cache size
    rem -gp maximum page size
    rem -n server name
    rem -x communication links
    rem -n database name
    "%ASA%\dbsrv6.exe" -c 10m -gp 4096 -n ulldemo1 -x none 
      "%DB%\ulldemo1.db" -n ulldemo1

  2. Run the run_ASA6_sqlpp_on_ulldemo1.bat file to preprocess the ulldemo1.sqc source code into ulldemo1.c:

    Warning! One of the lines in this batch file has been wrapped to fit on the screen.

    SET ASA=E:\Program Files\Sybase\Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0\win32
    SET DB=c:\amisc\ull
    SET SRC=c:\amisc\ull\src
    rem -c connection parameter
    rem *.sqc input source 
    rem *.c   preprocessed output
    "%ASA%\sqlpp.exe" -c "DSN=ulldemo1" "%SRC%\ulldemo1.sqc" 

    By default, SQLPP will call the UltraLite Generator ULGEN so that everything is done in one swell foop:

    Running SQLPP

  3. If you want to be terrified, have a look at the output from SQLPP in the c:\amisc\ull\Src\ulldemo.c file.

    Warning! Please don't edit the ulldemo.c file!

    It's tempting, because it's the one that shows up in CodeWarrior, and it's the one that shows up in error messages and debugging windows.

    However, it will get replaced every time you run SQLPP, so make sure you only work on the ulldemo.sqc file.

    In ulldemo.c you can see where the ESQL has been /* commented out */, and where some really nasty C code has been added:

    ulldemo.c After SQLPP

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