Foxhound 4.0 FAQ
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Question: What is Foxhound?


Foxhound 4 is a third-party database monitor for SAP® SQL Anywhere®.

A database monitor is a computer program that measures the activity of a database management system and displays those measurements in a meaningful way so you can see everything's OK... or quickly learn about problems and threats to performance and availability.
Here's how Foxhound works:
  • Every 10 seconds Foxhound retrieves performance statistics from your database.

  • Foxhound then

    • stores these statistics in its own SQL Anywhere database,

    • performs summarization and other value-added calculations, and

    • displays the results via HTML using SQL Anywhere's built-in HTTP server.

For more information see the Foxhound White Paper at

See also...
What are the Foxhound system requirements?
What edition of Foxhound do I need?
How do I get a copy of Foxhound?

This page was last updated on May 14, 2016.      Foxhound 4.0 FAQ Home      Foxhound Home      RisingRoad