Help for Foxhound 3.0.4386a

Table of Contents     [RisingRoad]

6. The Foxhound Options Page

The Foxhound Options page lets you change a variety of Foxhound settings and perform a variety of Foxhound-specific tasks.

Settings in this page are global in nature: any changes you make will apply to all Foxhound users and sessions running on this copy of the Foxhound engine.

The Foxhound Options Menu

6.1 Global Overrides

6.2 Show Help

6.3 Global Email Settings

6.4 Connection Sampling Threshold

6.5 Connection Timeout

6.6 Timeout Retry

6.7 Purge

6.8 Diagnostics

6.9 Stop Foxhound

The Foxhound Options Menu    [Top]

The New Menu link opens the Foxhound Menu page in a new browser window or tab. This link appears on every Foxhound page to make it easy to look at multiple databases at the same time.

The Monitor Options link opens the Monitor Criteria page in a new browser window or tab. That page lets you enable and disable different alerts, change the conditions under which alerts are issued and manage multiple Monitor sessions using a tab-delimited file of connection strings.

The button is a context-sensitive link to this Help topic. This button appears in many locations, each of them a link to a different Help topic in this frame.

Tip: To hide the Help for every new page, see the Show Help section on this page.

The About link opens the About Foxhound page in a new browser window or tab.

6.1 Global Overrides    [Top]

This section lets you quickly (and temporarily) turn off certain features without changing (or affecting) the dozens of other settings that otherwise control how those features work.

The Enable Emails checkbox lets you turn off the Alert email facility for all target databases being monitored by Foxhound. This checkbox does not affect any other email settings (for example, that you normally want Alert emails for database A but not database B, and you have set that up using the Monitor Options page), but it does override their effect when you uncheck this checkbox. When you check this checkbox again, all the other email settings take effect.

The Enable Schedules checkbox lets you turn off all the Schedule facilities for all target databases being monitored by Foxhound. This checkbox does not affect any other Schedule settings (for example, that you normally want to turn Alert emails on and off at certain times of the day for database A but not database B, and you have set that up using the Monitor Options page), but it does override their effect when you uncheck this checkbox. When you check this checkbox again, all the other Schedule settings take effect.

The Enable AutoDrop checkbox lets you turn off the AutoDrop facility for all target databases being monitored by Foxhound. This checkbox does not affect any other AutoDrop settings (for example, that you normally want to drop connections that are blocking other connections to database A but not database B, and you have set that up using the Monitor Options page), but it does override their effect when you uncheck this checkbox. When you check this checkbox again, all the other AutoDrop settings take effect.

You must click if you want your changes saved. Any one the Save buttons will save all the changes you have made anywhere on this page.

6.2 Show Help    [Top]

The checkbox Show the Help frame on the right side by default changes Foxhound's behavior whenever a new page is opened: if checked, Foxhound will initially show the right-hand Help frame. If unchecked, Foxhound will not initially show the right-hand Help frame.

You must click if you want your changes saved. Any one the Save buttons will save all the changes you have made anywhere on this page.

If the Help frame doesn't appear or disappear right away, try pressing the browser refresh button.

6.3 Global Email Settings    [Top]

Check Use SMTP to send emails to specify that SMTP will be used to send all alert emails, instead of MAPI.

The SMTP Sender: holds the email address of the sender; e.g., will appear in the email "from" field as "Foxhound Alert ".

The SMTP Server: is a server domain name or IP address of the SMTP server; e.g., for sending emails via Gmail.

The SMTP Port: specifies the TCP/IP port to use for SMTP messages. Use 25 for standard SMTP servers and 587 for sending emails via Gmail.

The SMTP Timeout: specifies how long to wait, in seconds, before giving up on an attempt to send an email. The Foxhound Database Monitor sends email alerts asynchronously so a long timeout doesn't adversely affect the monitoring process. However, the Send Test Email button does work synchronously; i.e., it waits until the email is send, so you can use it to determine how long the timeout should be.

The SMTP Authorization User Name: holds the user name when the SMTP server requires authentication; e.g.,

The SMTP Authorization Password: holds the password when the SMTP server requires authentication. Strong encryption is used to store this value in the Foxhound database, and the value is not redisplayed on this page. In other words, this field is input-only; just because no value is displayed doesn't necessarily mean there's no password stored.

The SMTP Certificate Filespec: is required when the SMTP server requires an SSL certificate; for example:


Fill in the Default email address(es) for Alerts and AutoDrop Notices: field with one or more email addresses separated by semicolons to use as the default destination(s) for Alert and AutoDrop messages sent by the Foxhound Monitor process.

The values you type here will appear in the Email address(es) for Alerts and AutoDrop Notices: in the Alert Email Setup for [Default Settings] section on the Monitor Options page, and vice versa... in other words, they're the same field.

The values you type here will also be used when you click on the button below.

Check Use MAPI to send emails to specify that MAPI will be used to send all alert emails, instead of SMTP.

The MAPI User Name: holds the MAPI login name; e.g.,

The MAPI Password: holds the MAPI login password. Strong encryption is used to store this value in the Foxhound database, and the value is not redisplayed on this page. In other words, this field is input-only; just because it's empty doesn't necessarily mean there's no password stored.

You must click if you want your changes saved. Any one the Save buttons will save all the changes you have made anywhere on this page.

The button may be used to check that the email settings are correct.

The Test result: field will display OK if the test email was sent ok, or an error message if there was a problem. However, you should also check that the email was received at the other end; just because a message was sent doesn't mean it will actually arrive.

Here's a list of return codes:

0 Success 
1 An invalid parameter was supplied 
2 Out of memory 
3 xp_startmail or xp_startsmtp was not called 
4 Bad host name, or no internet connection
5 Connect error
6 Secure connection error
7 MAPI functions are not available
100 Socket error. 
    Antivirus software may have blocked the outbound connection to the SMTP server.  
    Check the "SMTP Server:" field.
101 Socket timeout. 
102 Unable to resolve the SMTP server hostname. 
103 Unable to connect to the SMTP server. 
104 Server error; response not understood.  
    Check the "SMTP Server:" field.
105 A TLS error occurred.   
    Check the "SMTP Authorization User Name:", "SMTP Authorization Password:" and 
    "SMTP Certificate Filespec:" fields.
421 Domain service not available, closing transmission channel. 
450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable. 
451 Requested action not taken: local error in processing. Message may have 
    been rejected as spam.  
452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage. 
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. (This may include errors such as 
    a command that is too long). 
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 
502 Command not implemented. 
503 Bad sequence of commands. 
504 Command parameter not implemented. 
511 Bad email address.
550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable. For example, the mailbox is 
    not found, there is no access, or no relay is allowed. 
551 User not local; please try forward-path. 
552 Request mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation. 
553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed. For example, the 
    mailbox syntax is incorrect. 
554 Transaction failed. 
    The message may have been rejected as spam.

The button may be used to erase the values currently stored in SMTP Authorization User Name and the SMTP Authorization Password. This button is necessary if you switch from using an SMTP server that requires authorization to one that doesn't; Foxhound doesn't redisplay the values entered in those fields so you can't just "blank them out" to erase them, you have to press this button.

The Erase Authorization button takes effect immediately; you don't have to press the Save Values button.

6.4 Connection Sampling Threshold    [Top]

The Connection Sampling Threshold radio buttons let you specify when (and if) Foxhound will stop recording detail information about individual connections. Here are your choices:

The new value takes effect immediately, for all sampling sessions, as soon as you save it.

Here are the main reasons you might want to set a threshold other than All:

The threshold is an "all or nothing" setting. I.e., if you set a threshold other than zero or All, Foxhound will stop gathering any detail information about any connections when the ConnCount database property exceeds the threshold. When ConnCount drops back to the threshold or lower, Foxhound will start gathering detail information about all the connections again.

Note that ConnCount is retrieved before the detail connection information so there may be a change in the number of connections by the time the detail information is retrieved. For example, if you set the threshold to 100, you may see detail information about more than 100 connections for a short period if new connections are being created.

You must click if you want your changes saved. Any one the Save buttons will save all the changes you have made anywhere on this page.

6.5 Connection Timeout    [Top]

The Connection Timeout radio buttons control how long the Foxhound Monitor will wait for a response when trying to connect to a target database:

Most connection attempts either succeed or fail right away, and the Foxhound Monitor normally keeps trying to connect if it fails so that sampling can begin or resume as soon as a connection is possible.

Sometimes, however, an attempt to connect to a target database located far away on a WAN will take a very long time to receive a response if the connection fails. In some of these cases, the Foxhound engine is blocked from doing other work while waiting to receive the failed response, and this causes problems if the Foxhound Monitor keeps repeating this long wait while trying to monitor other databases at the same time.

In cases like this, it may be better to run the Foxhound engine on a computer that is located physically close to the target database server and communicates over a LAN rather than WAN. For more information on this topic see the Help section Introduction and Setup - Running Foxhound as a Service.

The connection timeout facility is provided to stop the Foxhound Monitor from continuously trying to connect to a database when the failure-to-connect response takes a long time. When a timeout occurs, Foxhound will stop trying to connect just as if you clicked on Cancel Request or Stop Sampling, and it will not try to connect again until you tell it Start Sampling or the Timeout Retry period has elapsed.

If you get a lot of false timeouts, try the 1 minute setting.

If you are only monitoring one database, the never timeout is probably best: Foxhound's problems with long waits for failure-to-connect responses are not important, and sampling will begin as soon as the Foxhound Monitor is able to connect.

See also Timeout Retry.

You must click if you want your changes saved. Any one the Save buttons will save all the changes you have made anywhere on this page.

6.6 Timeout Retry    [Top]

TheTimeout Retry radio buttons control how long the Foxhound Monitor will wait after sampling is stopped by a connection timeout before trying to connect to the target database and start sampling again:

When a timeout occurs, sampling is stopped and Foxhound no longer attempts to connect to the target database. Normally, when sampling is stopped, it can only be restarted manually. A connection timeout, however, is a special case: the timeout retry interval is a mechanism to automatically restart sampling without manual intervention.

For more information about connection timeouts, see Connection Timeout.

You must click if you want your changes saved. Any one the Save buttons will save all the changes you have made anywhere on this page.

6.7 Purge    [Top]

Foxhound's internal purge process frees up space in the Foxhound database by deleting old data. The purge process is automatically launched every 20 minutes, 24 hours a day, starting at 00:00, and can also be launched manually via the Start Purge button. The purge process runs independently from all other Foxhound processes, including the Foxhound Monitor processes and the web service that displays this Foxhound Options page.

Note that the Foxhound database will not shrink in size when data is deleted; the freed space is simply made available for future needs. In fact, the Foxhound database file may temporarily grow in size during the purge process to accommodate growth in the checkpoint log as rows are deleted. This checkpoint log space will be released when the Foxhound database is stopped and restarted, but the space freed up by the purge process will not be released. This behavior is a characteristic of all SQL Anywhere databases.

When the Enable automatic purge schedule: checkbox is checked, the purge process that is automatically launched every 20 minutes will proceed to delete old data. When this checkbox is unchecked, the purge process will still be launched every 20 minutes but it won't do anything; in effect, the scheduled purge is disabled.

The Purge all sample data: checkbox enables the deletion of database and connection-level sample data, and the after [xx] days field lets you specify how long before samples are deleted.

The after [xx] days calculation for Purge all sample data: is based on the most recent successful sample, not the current timestamp. That means the most recent [xx] days worth of successful samples will be preserved if sampling is turned off or stops for some other reason. It also means that if there are no successful samples, nothing is purged.

Note that when a sample associated with a Peak is deleted, the associated entry on the Peak line will lose its hyperlink attribute.

The Purge uninteresting connection data: checkbox enables the deletion of "uninteresting" connection-level sample data, and the after [xx] days field lets you specify how long before the data is deleted.

A connection is defined as "uninteresting" when all the following conditions are true for the previous and current samples recorded by the Foxhound Monitor for that connection:


The after [xx] days calculation for Purge uninteresting connection data: is based on the most recent successful sample, not the current timestamp. That means the most recent [xx] days worth of connection-level data will be preserved if sampling is turned off or stops for some other reason.

Note that lost or failed samples (target database not found, sampling stopped, Foxhound stopped, etc.) are not affected by the Purge uninteresting connection data: setting because those samples don't have any connection-level data to be deleted.

To have any effect the Purge uninteresting connection data: setting should be more aggressive (shorter) than the Purge all sample data: setting. If you specify a longer setting for Purge uninteresting connection data: than for Purge all sample data: you will see the following message:

Warning: The "Purge all sample data:" interval will take precedence over the "Purge uninteresting connection data:" interval.

In other words, "all sample data" encompasses "uninteresting connection data".

The Purge speed: radio buttons specify how aggressively the purge process will pursue its goal of deleting old data.

You must click if you want your changes saved. Any one the Save buttons will save all the changes you have made anywhere on this page.

Note: New settings won't affect a purge process that's already running, just the next one to start.

The button starts the purge process immediately. Only one purge process at a time will run; a duplicate process will simply stop by itself.

The button will stop a purge process that is currently running. It may take a moment for your request to take effect; the purge process will continue running until it reaches a commit point and then stop.

The button forces the Foxhound engine to perform a checkpoint so that all of the purge-related statistics (row counts, etcetera) shown on this page are up to date. This checkpoint is executed on the Foxhound database, not any of the target databases.

The button forces the data on this page to be recalculated and redisplayed, in particular the Purge Run and Foxhound DBSPACE reports.

The Purge Run report shows the last 10 runs of the purge process, in reverse order with the most recent run at the top.

The Foxhound DBSPACE report shows information about the files comprising the Foxhound database.

6.8 Diagnostics    [Top]

If Foxhound encounters a run-time exception, it may store diagnostic information in an internal table. Foxhound also stores some informational messages in this table.

The button lets you display the most recent diagnostic data in reverse order by timestamp.

The Export diagnostics to file: field lets you specify the file that will be written when you press the button.

You must click if you want your changes saved. Any one the Save buttons will save all the changes you have made anywhere on this page.

The button will write all the diagnostic data, sorted by timestamp, to the file specified in the Export diagnostics to file: field. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.

The button lets you delete the diagnostic data from the Foxhound database.

If all three of the above buttons are disabled, it means there is no diagnostic data to display. Press the button to see if any diagnostic data is now available.

Note: If you upgrade Foxhound to a new build, the data upgrade process will copy all the existing diagnostic data from the old database to the new one.

6.9 Stop Foxhound    [Top]

The button will stop the Foxhound database engine.

The Stop Foxhound Engine button is disabled when the Foxhound database is running on a computer that is separate from the one running the browser.

