Message: Connection timeout for target ... after ... (timeout threshold is ...; see Foxhound Options)
Explanation: Messages like this appearing in
Foxhound Options - Display Diagnostics
mean that the Foxhound Monitor has given up waiting for a "connection failed" response to its attempt to connect to the target database:
1663 2010-06-13 06:58:13.796 Full Build 3700a 1000000035 202a3a(202eh1)
Connection timeout for target DSN xxx after 15.1s (timeout threshold is 15.0s; see Foxhound Options) - 1000002348
Note that Foxhound does not give up trying to connect just because a connection failed, that's not what this kind of "timeout" is;
for more information see
Foxhound Options - Connection Timeout.
To stop further attempts to restart start sampling for this target database after a timeout, click on Start Sampling, then Cancel Request.
To stop all further attempts to restart sampling after a time out, or to change how often the attempts are made, see
Foxhound Options - Timeout Retry.
See also...
Foxhound Options - Connection Timeout
Foxhound Options - Timeout Retry
Foxhound Options - Display Diagnostics